Put more science into the data
With Disqovery I really like to talk about company vision, and the topic of Big Data invariably comes up. As early-stage startups go, you don't often have enough data to really fall into that category. Let's face it: even with 300+ users, and some of them doing job check-ins, we're nowhere near big data.
But what about small data?
Disqovery is now providing meaningful personal analytics based on your check-in data. With every check-in we'll be able to provide more and more precise insights based on what you share. In marketing-speak: We're Taking Data Science and Bringing it Your Career.™
Disqovery had some basic analytics before, but thanks to some smart people now we're doing it right. For starters, our skills-based check-in analysis has become much more rigorous. This includes the foundation of all data analysis, the multi-variate linear regression. That means that when you tell us how good or bad a given day is, we can actually figure out how much each skill adds or detracts from that day's experience.
[caption id="attachment_393" align="alignnone" width="903"] a quick shot of what our new statistics can help you figure out
tap to zoom[/caption]
Statistics are cool
With statistics we don't just figure out magnitude but also certainty. Using the right modeling techniques means that as you check in more, our answers will get more and more accurate. The downside is that for your first several check-ins you're going to see 'low' confidence scores. Just keep up the check-ins, and you'll climb your way up the statistical ladder.
So get checking in, and get excited about being empowered by personal analytics from Disqovery. You want to try Disqovery? Are you already a user but haven't enabled job check-ins yet?