Holidays, and a long-awaited update

Varun 2 years and 11 months ago
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Our most important feature is also the most annoying. That's a problem.

The day has finally come for us to fix it. We always wanted job check-ins to be painless and maybe a little fun, but you had to do a lot of weird stuff to even get them set up. Lots of typing and manual text entry - that's no good.

Enter LinkedIn Integration: Phase One

[caption id="attachment_371" align="alignnone" width="290"]This is the button to look for when setting up your job info. Way easy. This is the button to look for when setting up your job info. Way easy.[/caption]

Up until today Disqovery has only interacted with your Facebook account. There were good reasons for that, but the times have changed and our app is changing, too. For now you'll still have to log in via Facebook (sorry), but when setting up your job check-ins there's a handy new option that will grab relevant job and skill information directly from LinkedIn. Don't worry, we can't post or edit any of your LinkedIn information, even if you want us to.

More Phases to Come

Disqovery started by being very tightly integrated into Facebook, so moving to support another system has been tricky to figure out. We'll get there eventually. Also, FYI we'll soon be adding a really thrilling use of your check-in data; start sharing now and we'll have a lot to share right away!

Happy holidays, everyone! I'll be here awaiting any feedback you have to share, and a hearty welcome to all of our new beta users this month!

tl;dr: Job check-ins can now grab information from LinkedIn. Current (active) users go here to set it up.