New Year, New Disqovery

Varun 3 years and 10 months ago
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All those resolutions to exercise more, eat better, etc. are good. But this is a great time to start thinking about where you're really going; 2014 is the time to own your own career and be more awesome.

We've been busy over the holidays making Disqovery better, and there's some great new stuff that I'm excited to share with you. We heard feedback that there's so much information in Disqovery that it's tough to make sense of it all, and we want to do something about it. That's why we're psyched to get our new visual design out. We want to help you visualize more of your personality and career. Here's what we've got for you to check out:

[caption id="attachment_287" align="aligncenter" width="1394"]A shot of my dashboard. It's not surprising that 100% of beta users are highly adventurous :-) A shot of my dashboard. It's not surprising that 100% of beta users are highly adventurous :-)[/caption]

  • Graphs, graphs, graphs! The first personality charts are now online. They include a map of your personality factors, and a comparison of your personality scores to other Disqovery users. We want to know what types of charts can be useful and interesting; if you have ideas, drop us a line.
  • Got a case of the Mondays? Get a look at which days of the week are your best and worst based on your job check-in data.
  • Where are you going? As you unlock insights, we show you what you've learned and what's coming next. We're calling these "bookends," and they are going to continue to evolve.
  • It's purdier. Things are generally better-looking, but with a purpose. For example, accent colors will change based on which insight you're working towards.

There's always more coming. You are part of our elite beta group who have already unlocked a few insights, and we need to hear from you. You can just reply to this e-mail or use the 'feedback' tab in the Disqovery app. Log in by going to and clicking 'Sign in' at the top.

If you're not a beta user yet, you can join our waiting list. You can also try signing in and asking a friend for an invitation!